Kuşadası Hostel Apart ANCIENT CITY OF PRIENE Activities
"Anatolian HEREDOT", one of the greatest historians of antiquity and also known as the father of history, says the following about the region in his book:
"The Ionians gathered in Panionion established their cities in the region with the most beautiful sky and the most beautiful climate that we know on earth. Starting from the south, their first city is Miletos, and Myus and Priene follow..."
"Panionion", the meeting center of the religious and political union formed by the 12 Ionian cities of Miletus, Priene, Myus, Ephesus, Kolophon, Eritrai, Klazomenai, Foça, Samos, Kios, Teos, and Lebedos, is within the borders of Priene and the ceremonies here are located in Priene. they were governing. This increased the importance of Priene. Indeed, the region where the ancient cities of Miletus, Didim and Priene are located is one of the most beautiful regions of Anatolia. Priene literally means "Hisar Land". It is not clear where the first settlement of the city of Priene was established. Kent BC It was reconstructed in its present location towards the year 350. This city, which was rebuilt according to the "Hippodamos Plan" named after the famous urbanist-architect "Hippodamos" from Miletus, is known as one of the most beautiful cities of the Hellenistic era in archeology.
2000 years ago, Söke Plain was a sea and Bafa Lake was a cove. By this sea was Priene, one of the most beautiful cities of the Ancient Age. The Prienes were engaged in seafaring. The city has two known large ports. The "Naulochos" port in the south is the largest.
B.C. In 494, the people of Priene participated in the Lade Sea War between the Ionian League and the Persians with 12 ships. When the Ionian navy was defeated at the end of the war, the city of Priene, like Miletus and Didyma, was burned and destroyed. As a result of the slow filling of the sea by the Menderes River, it is quite far from the sea today.
It was completely abandoned after the 13th century as a result of the swampy surrounding and the earthquake. We know that after the Middle Ages, there was a city called "Samson" where the present town of "Güllübahçe" is located, and that the name of the town was "Gelebeç" during the Greek settlement.
Also BC. Priene is the place where the philosopher and jurist, who was considered one of the seven sages of antiquity in Priene in the 6th century, spent his childhood in "Bias", who would later appear in the Cappadocia region. (The seven sages who directed science and art in ancient times are; Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Epimenides of Crete, Solon of Athens, Chilon of Sparta, Periandros of Corinth and Pherekydes of Syra)
Excavations in Priene were made by the British between 1765-1769 and by the Germans between 1895-1898; Most of the works found were taken to Germany.